I’m thrilled to announce another upcoming class:
Mapping the Vulva: Anatomy, Communication, Touch, & Pleasure
Class description: There is so much mystery surrounding vulvas that it’s become a pop-culture joke. From Orange is the New Black to Gay Men Draw Vaginas – where even the title is inaccurate. Unfortunately, the joke is on us. With vulvas being a place of mystery, and worse – a source of shame – women’s ability to receive pleasure from this area of their body can be extremely diminished. In this class we will dispel misinformation and teach you all about the vulva from anatomy to styles of touch. In addition to the external genitalia the underlying anatomical structures, the vagina, and the g-spot will also be covered.
But we won’t dive straight in. As with all of my classes, the content is shown through the lens of intimacy and connection. We will cover styles of communication that will set both the giver and the receiver of touch at ease and give you tools to communicate your desires. There is a whole world of pleasure available if giver and receiver are willing to learn how to relax, open up, and to touch and receive touch.
People of all genders and sexualities are welcome to attend, either solo or with a partner or friend. This class will be a safe, supportive environment for people to learn. The class will be part lecture with visual aids and part live demonstration. We will use index cards so that attendees can ask questions anonymously.
For those that desire more in-depth exploration or guidance I am offering private coaching at a discounted rate to anyone who attends this class. Also, everyone who attends will be going home with gloves and lube samples for home practice!
Date: Sunday, October 5
Cost: $25 in advance and $30 at the door. Assure your space by purchasing tickets now.
There’s a lot going on in the next couple months – and beyond. Stay up to date by signing up for my mailing list.